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Senate Committee References (3)
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Related Bills (2)
Bill Number Subject Filed By Last Action and Location Relationship Learn more about bill relationships H 15 by Hinson
Storage of Handguns in Private Conveyances and Vessels
Last Action: 3/4/2025 H 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)Compare S 190 by Rouson
Storage of Handguns in Private Conveyances and Vessels
Last Action: 3/4/2025 S IntroducedCompare -
Citations - Statute (1)
The page numbers, when listed, for citations are constantly under review. The journals or printed bills of the respective chambers should be consulted as the official documents of the Legislature.
The links for the page numbers are formatted to open the bill text PDF directly to the page containing the citation. However, if your browser is set to open PDFs in a new window, as is often the case with 64-bit browsers, the bill text will open to the first page.790.176 Page 1 [pdf] -
Bill History
S = Senate, H = House
1/10/2025 S • Filed
1/24/2025 S • Referred to Criminal Justice; Judiciary; Rules
3/4/2025 S • Introduced
SB 186: Safe Storage of Firearms and Ammunition in Motor Vehicles and Vessels
Safe Storage of Firearms and Ammunition in Motor Vehicles and Vessels; Defining the terms “motor vehicle,” “trunk,” and “vessel”; requiring persons who store or leave firearms or ammunition in motor vehicles or vessels under their control to keep the firearms or ammunition locked inside specified locations within the motor vehicles or vessels while not in the motor vehicles or vessels; providing criminal penalties, etc.
Current Bill Version Posted: 1/10/2025 03:06 PM